Spanish » Spanish


¡Bienvenidos a nuestra clase de español!  Students at Manhattan East begin their study of Spanish in the 7th grade and continue in the 8th grade.  Spanish is a rigorous, high-school level course, and at the end of 8th grade, students take the SLP exam for the opportunity to earn a full year of high school credit for the Spanish proficiency they have achieved.


In our class, students build their proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish.  They also explore the cultures of various Spanish-speaking countries, including Spanish-speaking communities in the U.S.  Group work and participation are key to our class, and the goal is us to learn from each other as we expand our ability to understand and communicate around the world.


Students who enter our course with high levels of proficiency in Spanish have the opportunity to study short stories and other works of literature in Spanish, including a graphic novel adaptation of Don Quijote that our eighth-graders have thoroughly enjoyed!